Monday 20 February 2012

Car Accidents

Last 2 days have seen 2 car accidents in Delhi that have grabbed some media space.

First one involved a young real estate brat with a high speed car. Sadly, the driver was killed and a cyclist was injured badly. It seems, the driver was not wearing the belt and he was thrown out on impact.

People forget that they wear the belt not to escape from a 200 buck fine but to protect their own lives.

The other day, I saw the car in front of me stop and the driver wearing the belt just because there was police barricade ahead.  

The other one was even more unfortunate-   the car cleaner took a car for a joyride and mowed down 2 pedestrians.

TV channels got lots of masala to air while the loss of families can only be imagined.  

What got me thinking was that there are so many car accidents in Delhi every year and so many lives are lost but it is the ones with an expensive car in it that get the maximum coverage

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