Thursday, 5 April 2012

ExxonMobil - Big Bad Corporation

Steve Coll has a new book (Private Empire) on Exxon Mobil that details the power and influence this BIG corporation has on the lives of all things livings.

There is an article on the ExxonMobil from Steve Coll again in latest issue of The New Yorker which opens with the line "how ExxonMobil became a finance arm of the Republican Party."

Other notable lines from the same article are:

"ExxonMobil has focused its PAC donations on Republican legislators who can try to assure that no damaging laws go through"
"All of the corporation’s business strategies remain oriented toward the very long run. Decades from now, oil, gas, and coal, ExxonMobil’s analysts predicted, “will continue to be the most widely used fuels.”"

However, this line from an overview of the book at takes the cake:

"In many of the countries where it conducts business, ExxonMobil’s sway over politics and security is greater than that of the United States embassy."

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