Monday, 4 June 2012

Everyone loves to hate buzzwords, but in the office setting, people are often powerless to resist them

More businesses are using the word "innovative" to describe what they do, from developing new soup flavors to redesigning packaging.

But are these achievements really innovative?

According to a Wall Street Journal article, firms are not necessarily innovating more than before, say critics; many are simply throwing around the buzzword to show they're on the cutting edge. They're following the pack.

Hate buzzwords if you must, but our affinity for them may stem from a basic human desire for acceptance, experts say. Often, people use buzzwords not to convey factual meaning, but to show they belong to a social group, according to socio-linguist Robert Leonard.

"Buzzwords are code words to show you're an inside member," says Mr. Leonard, who chairs Hofstra University's linguistics program. "[They show] you're part of the 'hip' group."

As a result, we are constantly "manufacturing" new buzzwords, he says.

That could explain the ever-growing list of clichéd corporate buzzwords, including "synergy," "optimization," "leverage," "pivot" and "cross-functional."

The rank-and-file are guilty of using buzzwords, too: LinkedIn recently compiled a list of the most overused words in members' profiles and uncovered a few gems, including "dynamic," "organizational" and "effective."

Because such catch-all words tend to be vague, they're usually not the most efficient mode of communication, Mr. Leonard says. Two people having a dialogue about "innovation," for example, might have completely different perceptions of what the word means.

Readers, start thinking out of the box: What are your least favorite buzzwords? What buzzwords are you guilty of using?

Original here

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