Wednesday 15 February 2017

Meaning of a " true friend "

This year, like me, a lot of my school,college and university mates turned 50 the half way mark in their lives n in a way hoping they live reasonably long life i wished them " happy half century ".it also set me thinking.. who out of all these people that I met along the way would remain alongside... n would define the true meaning of friendship...

The age old saying "a friend in need is a friend in deed" does it define? or is it when we categorize people just as the" tree test" i read somewhere on this group? Is it the person who is at your bedside when you are extremely sick or is it the person who offers help when you are going through a rough patch..

In my search for an answer to my dilemma.. i thought of moments or occassions when true friendship could be  defined.. when you travel with a person? when any matter relating to money comes up between you two,when a person appears on a happy occasion or a sad one, whether he is a person who mingles with your family or the one who does not etc. the list goes on..n some answers started cropping up in my mind which i would like to share with you all

A friend is not a person who is at your bedside when you are ill...but a person who senses that you are going to fall ill and prevents it.

A friend is not a person who will offer you money when you are broke but will sense that you are n will put money where you can find it without telling you.

A friend is a person who will not try to look for beauty in your face or body but that in your soul(heart and mind)

A friend is not a person who will get you a job when you are without one but a person who will find you a career 

Again the list goes on...and through this in the end i found one definition which may be true and sums up it all

A friend doesn't care for what you are,who you are,why you are,where you are, when you are, whether you are but a person who accepts you " just the way you are"

Means " never puts you through judgement "

But the irony is to find such a person one still needs to judge the other...

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