Thursday 26 January 2017

A husband wakes up with a hangover. He opens his eyes n sees aspirins and water.

He sits down & sees his clothes all clean & pressed....

He takes the aspirin & finds a note "Honey, breakfast is on table, I left to buy groceries. Love you"

Totally shocked,

He goes to the kitchen for breakfast. There he finds his son & asks him "What happened last night ?".

Son says: "Well Dad u came home.  @ 3am, drunk & delirious, broke all  crockery, puked in the hall & made a total mess....

Confused he asks, "then why is everything in order?" 

Son says, "Oh! Mom dragged u to the room tried to take ur clothes off & you said *"LADY LEAVE ME ALONE,  I'M MARRIED!"*
*I cant ditch her......*


Self induced hangover - 4000
broken Crockery - 10000
Saying the right things when drunk........

πŸ˜† *PRICELESS !!*πŸ˜†

🍺🍺 *Happy Drinking* 🍻🍻

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