Friday 13 January 2017

"And then the princess found herself locked in a tower surrounded by a stinky moat with crocodiles and a huge scary dragon guarding the door,"
read the mother, with her eyes wide and voice deep. 

Then, she made a sad face and continued softly,

"So, the poor princess waited and waited for her prince to come--"

*"But, why was she waiting for the prince, mumma?!"*
asked the little girl, impatiently.

The mother added, "To come and save her, silly." 

"But, mumma, why did she need a prince to save her?" the girl asked again.

 "Uhh... hmm..." the mother was at a loss of words.

The little girl said proudly, 
"If it were me, instead of waiting for years and years for a prince, I would have tamed the dragon and flew out of the window. 

I would have rescued myself."

She discarded the book and walked away, 
"This princess is stupid." 

The mother whispered with a broad smile, 
"I guess it is time to rewrite the fairy tales."


*Lets teach our daughters to be self sufficient n independent rather than waiting for a prince or a miracle to happen!*

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