Tuesday 26 February 2013

Pippa Middleton takes supermarket job

does the headline do justice to the reality?

Pippa Middleton takes supermarket job

London: Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of Prince William's wife Catherine, has signed a deal to write for the in-house magazine of a British supermarket, it announced on Monday.

The 29-year-old, who shot to fame when she was a bridesmaid at the royal wedding in 2011, will share her tips on entertaining for friends in a monthly column for upmarket supermarket Waitrose.

In a statement, she said she was "delighted" at her new job at the magazine, for which she is the cover star for the April issue.

"My column, 'Pippa's Friday Night Feasts', will be an exciting opportunity to share my own passion and enthusiasm for food and entertaining, and I can't wait to get started," she said.

Middleton has worked for her parents' party-planning business and last year published a book of recipes and ideas on entertaining, although it was widely panned in the media for being full of glaringly obvious advice.

William Sitwell, editor of "Waitrose Kitchen" magazine, said he hoped readers would appreciate "her relaxed and easy entertaining ideas, which will help with the preparation for all sorts of occasions".


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